Products Employee Benefits Group life

Group life

Perfect assistance in all facets of your business

Group insurance offers life or health coverage for a large group of people, such as all of the members of an organization or the staff of a corporation. Although coverage is provided under a single master contract, there will be CRI Re flexibility for your company to let your clients make selections that are specifically customized to their requirements.

In addition to temporary disability benefits in the case of a prolonged absence from work due to injury or illness, group life products also include lump sum benefits that are payable in the case of death or permanent and total disability. It’s the responsibility of your company! And it’s our responsibility! CRI Re is actively offering reinsurance to the companies that manage life firms that conduct business in several markets across the world.

Features of group life
Stability to profits
Insurance funds protected
Limit the quantum of liabilities
Encourage new underwriters
Instant risk transfer
We know the importance of security in life